Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Whats in the heart that makes a human so emotional;
Why do we feel pain, love,and excitement.
Its the work of that stupid heart
which works non stop,
but it is not what makes me think
Its the tears;
they are nothing but water
wasted or unwanted.
To a mother her first present to her son.
To a lover a token of separation.
To a son a gift of all childhood memories.
To the eyes a moment of blurriness.
To the face, first drops of moisture.
but to the heart;
It holds a special place;
being guarded by closed walls the heart,
show the agony and ecstasy of all creatures;
By not sprouting,blood;
but tears.....

in the darkness

Sleeping under the cold coverlet of my imagination;

I can only see what my brain allows,

But it is not good what i see.

I see liquor, smoke and people wearing mask;

I feel an encroaching shadow full of motion,yet lifeless.

I see a soul in search of body;

But to no avail !!!

I sense a sudden shake, a tough push or I should call it a tremor.

The sky is but full of darkness;

Moon has gone into a dark blanket

And the stars are like flies eaten up by birds.

I see two beautiful eyes full of desire;

Desire for life, soul and the forbidden liquid;

To me it was a soul in search of blood;

Blood to avenge its quench;

But I was not the only victim

Someone else………..

Or maybe many other;

But I am selfish

Who cares for others?

I want my life safe;

Can I run?will he let me go?

Not sure………..

I tried to run

Oh! No my legs were his.

I could feel the tremor;

An attempt to die would have been better;

But I was his;

Moving away from the rays of sun to the murky side of the moon

Wish! Are they granted?

Can I wish!!

No, who will listen to a desperate sinner

A greedy person.

Who could possibly help me?

Only one came one voice!

Who could it be….

Red eyes, all that could be seen;


Meek and needy I surrender

Years gone by;

I am now alive in this world

But like that night,I am not alone

There are others like me,

In the darkness…………..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

an ocean of fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dancing birds hover to a low height;
The sun giving out stream of water ,
Ocean having a flickering glaze of fire
Clouds giving out red water
I can feel them;
they are mine.

streets are devoid of people;
But are not short of souls;
are they good Ones?
Garden full of mosquito;sucking on the blood of flower.
How beautiful they are!!!!!

Animals fighting over each others food;
I think they are right;
Oh! they are just like my choices.

A child on the streets drinking beer;
Using foul language;
having regular fights;
Doesn't he look cute?

A beggar in a penthouse;
Full of disease;
Shouting for for food on his silken bed;
Having a tough time to die
whats his fate????

But,why are my oceans of fire fading.
Oh!my god
"Dreams are so fascinating".

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a Wish................................

Intense desire makes life Hard;
But to dream is not bad,
Its not always, that you are given a chance;
A chance to make your desire into reality.
life is an endless sea full of multiple eclipse;
so my friend,
Make a wish...............................

Love is not always fulfilled
All are not blessed with lady luck;
nor are they destined like a romeo-Juliet.
Love! an emotion from intense desire
Is not a chalice full of honey;
But a fruit full of thorns.
whatever be the challenge;
Make a wish........................

Joy a rare gem;
found only with he chosen one,
It is an unbiased dice which does , what it is destined for;
Having no favorite,it is hard to achieve.
But my friend, be brave;
Make a wish.........................

Death an unwanted gift,
It is same as joy but not much liked
Its is the obvious; but to us least expected
But my friend you are brave;
you can do anything,
Its what increases our proximity ;
The Almighty;
The Only One;
So,please don't make it a wish
Just achieve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!