Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Last Yard........

Born to face the world;
The flow of life,
An everlasting lust for knowledge,
An everlasting lust for greed,
Thats me, a homo sapien,i think so;
Full of tantrums and a whining habit;
This is what the world sees of me;
Still something hides behind the frontal pose;
Wanting to be loved yet a lover of obscuriety,
Something which you would call a hamlet syndrome;
Futuristic yet narrow minded;
An extrovert but with a habit of hiding lines;
I be what others want me to be;
Yet i want to be judged by the will i signed;
Its not an ordinary will;its something which has the parameters of livelihood;
A bounded path;
An unapproved law.
But laws are meant to be broken;
And lies are invented by those who believe in them;
So i paved away from the path of will.
Just to make my mark;
A mark which makes me fill the crowd;
Yet be alone amongst them,
After many years of my birth,
I get a feeling which is not uncommon;
Rather an obvious!!!

Oblivian for me is inevitable;
Yet i dont fear thee;
Its the piece of land i care for;
Will i get a secure space for me to lie,
Being aloof from my fellow minion;
I may have lost their faith,their support;
But i am not that uncommon;
That i dont get the best part of a life cycle;
I cant take it anymore;
In a state of dispair;
I plead,I appeal and i cry for....
My last Yard.....

1 comment:

  1. Once again your words have drawn me into this beautiful poem. I loved it. The emotion is great, and it's rather truthful. A masterpiece that is worth while reading!!!!

    Great job!
